Esprit Renovation


Esprit Park is scheduled for renovation in 2023, based on concepts developed by Fletcher Studio as part of the Planning Department’s Central Waterfront/Dogpatch Public Realm Plan. Esprit is the only Recreation & Park Department facility in Dogpatch and the Planning Department process identified Esprit as a key site in need of renovation and upgrades.

The goal of the renovation project is to make Esprit Park more resilient in the face of increasing use levels and to optimize the park’s usefulness to all types of users while retaining the park’s verdant character.

Funding for the project is coming from USSF ($5M), eastern waterfront development impact fees ($2.75M), and other City funds. The final cost of the project has not yet been determined.

The GBD will act as a fiscal sponsor for the project and will manage the disbursement of the UCSF funds. The GBD will hire the designers and engineers, arborists, and other specialists needed to complete construction documents. The balance of the funds will be transferred to the Recreation and Park Department to help cover construction costs. (To maximize funds available for the project, the GBD is not charging sponsorship fees but is extracting only those funds needed to cover direct costs.)

The GBD has assisted community outreach by assembling an Esprit Community Advisory Group. The members of that group represent various park users, nearby residents and schools, neighborhood groups, and other project stakeholders. ECAG members provide insight and feedback as the current design moves toward construction documents and share project status information with their various constituencies.

For more information about Esprit Park, see the GBD’s park webpage for Esprit.

For more information about the renovation project, go to RPD’s Esprit project page at

Esprit Renovation renderings courtesy of Fletcher Studio and the SF Planning Dept.



Esprit Renovation renderings courtesy of Fletcher Studio and there SF Planning Dept.

Esprit Renovation renderings courtesy of Fletcher Studio and the SF Planning Dept.



Esprit Renovation renderings courtesy of Fletcher Studio and there SF Planning Dept.

Esprit Renovation renderings courtesy of Fletcher Studio and the SF Planning Dept.